January represents the new beginning that starts with the new year, and what better way to start this month than with the special message the Tarot Cards have for your sign?
Here are the first Tarotscopes for this year!
So look for your Sun ☀ Moon ☽ and Jupiter ♃ sign and take what resonates for you!
♈️ Aries ~ IX of Wands: This month be ready to start taking action toward your dreams because the Universe will be giving you that extra little push you need to get you going! So try to focus and make the most out of it!
♉️ Taurus ~ X of Coins (Reversed): Take the motivation you are starting 2023 with and transform it into hard work because if you put your effort and dedication into your goals, the Universe will lend you extra help in your endeavors.
♊️ Gemini ~ The Moon: The rewards of your shadow work will start showing, so be ready to embrace all the beauty and worth that lies within you! Because you are going to shine your brightest this month!
♋️ Cancer ~ IV of Coins: Just because the year might be starting for you with some financial tightness doesn't mean that it will lead the way for the rest of the year! So be financially prudent this month and be patient, because things will get better as the year progress.
♌️ Leo ~ The Wheel of Fortune: The plans you had for this new year will start going during this month! So don't procrastinate a second, and instead focus yourself more to make them happen, because the year will be kicking off for you from the beginning.
♍️ Virgo ~ V of Coins: Budgeting will be the best you can do this month, so you take care of your finances and remember that January is a slow financial month for almost everyone, but if you control yourself and your expenses you will be fine!
♎️ Libra ~ Ace of Swords (Reversed): Try to take it easy this month a take your time to re-evaluate your life and failures to learn from it and be able to move forward and tackle 2023 with all the experience and knowledge you've gained thru the years.
♏️ Scorpio ~ The Tower: A ray of hope and a creative solution will be coming to you this month to help you solve and overcome the obstacles that you are currently facing in your life! So keep your hopes high, because everything will be fine!
♐️ Sagittarius ~ King of Wands (Reversed): This month be very careful with the decisions you make and keep in mind the consequences of your acts, so don't rush yourself and take your time to think things through to avoid unnecessary drama in your life.
♑️ Capricorn ~ IX of Coins: This month try to just go with the flow because everything will continue moving forward for you at a slow but steady pace, so try to just enjoy the ride and have a good time, because life can be beautiful when you look at the bright side!
♒️ Aquarius ~ King of Cups: As you enter into your season, use the beginning of the month to plan and create a vision of what you would like your life to be for your new age, so prepare for your birthday and open to all the wisdom that maturing will bring along to you!
♓️ Pisces ~ The Devil (Reversed): This month try to be patient with yourself because change and growth take time to happen and to be assimilated! So avoid overthinking your journey, and just hang in there for the results of your journey to show!
And that's the general message for the signs this month, I hope it helps you have a better January!
And remember that if you'd like to have a more insightful message tailored for you, you can always book a Personalized Tarot Reading with me.
Always Sending you lots of Love & Light 💖
Sir Helder Amos / @WeeklyTarot