The month of Love is here!!
So let's see what the Tarot Cards have to say about how this month will go for your love life.
Look for your Sun ☀ Moon ☽ and Venus ♀︎ Sign message and take what resonates!
♈️ Aries ~ The Magician (Reversed): This month don't let your emotions or feelings overwhelm you, whether you are single or in a relationship, try to control your emotions and keep a cool heart about how your love life unfolds.
♉️ Taurus ~ V of Pentacles: If you are single you may find a love prospect soon, and if you are relationship, the problems or struggles you could have with your partner will soon be over, so hang in there and be patient, because a refreshing new chapter in your love life will be starting in the upcoming months.
♊️ Gemini ~ The Tower (Reversed): Don't let your heart tribulations control your life, and instead try to just navigate through the emotions you are experiencing, so if you are single don't let loneliness bring you down or if you are in a relationship, don't let the obstacles destroy what you have built with your partner.
♋️ Cancer ~ III of Cups: Remember that love has a complete spectrum of shades, so being in a relationship is not the only way to have, experience, and enjoy love. So learn to appreciate the love your friends and the people around you have shown you in your journey and the moments of need.
♌️ Leo ~ III of Wands (Reversed): Good things come to those who wait, so if you are single, be patient and wait for the right person for you because everything is falling into the right place for this meeting to happen, or if you are in a relationship and feel like things are not progressing, just be patient as well, because strong feelings take time to mature.
♍️ Virgo ~ King of Cups: Stop going with the flow and start giving direction to your love life, so if you are single try to identify what is it that you want and expect in a partner, or if you are in a relationship try to have a plan of where you'd like the relationship to head and communicate with your partner to progress on it.
♎️ Libra ~ VI of Swords: Don't be ashamed or afraid of expressing what you desire and expect to have in a relationship, because whether you are single or in a relationship, your likes, dislikes, and kinks are a part of you, so if you really wanna feel fulfilled you have to take care of those needs too.
♏️ Scorpio ~ Page of Swords (Reversed): Your love life doesn't depend on other people liking you or loving back. Your love life depends solely on you accepting and loving yourself as you are. So get on good terms with yourself and then see how you start attracting people in your life.
♐️ Sagittarius ~ The Judgment: Your love life is going to experience a refreshing rebirth this month, so if you are single don't close yourself to adopting new ideals or perspectives about love that could be more satisfying for you than the old beliefs, or if you are in a relationship, prepare yourself for experiencing a renewed feeling of love for your partner.
♑️ Capricorn ~ The High Priestess: To align your love life you have to listen to your intuition, so if you are single listen very closely to the hunches you experience when dating new people because they could help you choose the right person for you, or if you are in a relationship let your intuition guide you to avoid drama and keep enjoying your partnered life.
♒️ Aquarius ~ Queen of Swords (Reversed): The only one who should have a saying in your love life is yourself. So, whether you are single or in a relationship, don't listen to what others say about your love life, and instead focus on your opinions about it, because if you are happy with how things are, then that's all that matters.
♓️ Pisces ~ X of Pentacles (Reversed): If you really wanna find alignment in your love life it is time you leave behind the old beliefs you had about love, so whether you are single or in a relationship, try to find out your way to be happy in your love life without comparing yourself to others or the people and relationships around you, because we all are different and have different needs.
And that's the collective message for the signs this month!
I hope it resonates with you and helps you improve your love life this month!
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